Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland

  1. Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland County
  2. Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland
  3. Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland Library
  4. Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland Weather

The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) has begun replacement of the MD Rt. 5 Bridge over the Eastern Branch south of Lexington Park in St. Mary’s County, MD.

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Work includes replacement of the existing structure with a 55-foot long pre-stressed concrete bridge, realignment and repaving of one-half mile of roadway, drainage and landscaping. Crews are constructing the new bridge adjacent to the existing span, allowing SHA to maintain traffic throughout all phases of construction. Completion is estimated spring 2016, weather permitting.

Originally constructed in 1936, the existing 37-foot long, steel beam bridge on Point Lookout Road (MD Rt. 5) has reached the end of its useful service life. Nearly 8,000 vehicles cross the bridge each day. SHA awarded a $3.4 million contract to Anchor Construction of Washington, DC.

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Customers with questions about this project may contact the District 5 Office at 410-841-1000 or toll-free at 1-800-331-5603 or by email at shadistrict5@sha.state.md.us. Click here for a list of major SHA projects across the State.

While SHA and its partners work hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones, each driver needs to actively modify his or her driving style to help prevent crashes. Stay alert – look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Slow down and don’t follow too closely. Safer Driving. Safer Work Zones. For Everyone!

Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland
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From Wazeopedia

Maryland follows the national guidelines for adding speed limits to the map. There are a few items left up to local guidance which will be enumerated below.

In Maryland, it is a best practice to map speed limits on all segments primary street and above. Local street segments without a posted speed limit should not have a speed limit added in Waze. This is because the statutory limit (see below) would be between 30-35 mph, and might be confusing to users.

Maryland law

Maryland law includes the following restrictions on the designation of speed limits. [1]

  • Maximum speed limits are as follows, unless otherwise signed/posted:
DistrictHighway Type
Business30 mph
Residential30 mph35 mph
Other Locations50 mph55 mph
  • Speed limits may be revised after a traffic study and then posted, but no limit may exceed 70 mph
  • Maximum speed limits for local jurisdictions include:
    • 15 miles an hour in alleys in Baltimore County

Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland County

Note: In Maryland, Speed Limits posted on private property are enforceable by law enforcement officers. Include these speed limits on the Waze map.

National guidance recap

  • The ONLY speed limits which should be added to the map are Regulatory Speed Limits. These are marked with black lettering on white rectangular signs.
  • 'Advisory' or speciality speed limits that are unsupported by the WME and the Waze app, and MUST NOT be added to road segments in the WME, including:
  • Advisory speeds
  • Truck speed limits
  • Night speed limits
  • Segments with time based different speed limits should use the speed limit which is in effect the majority of the time (most hours of the day, days of the week).
  • Speed limits should change where they legally go in effect. When a speed limit changes in the middle of a segment, a new junction should added to support the SL change. However a new junction should never be added for a SL if it will be within 200 feet of an existing junction, or potential junction.

Work zone speed limits


A work zone (WZ) may have a lower advisory speed limit (SL) posted in black on orange , or a regulatory speed limit posted in black on white with an orange 'Work Zone' banner across the top .

We only consider the regulatory signs, and never map advisory speed limits.

Adding WZ SLs to segments is generally allowed.

Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland

  • Typically only projects which are expected to last at least 3 months should be added to the map.
  • The underlying SL, and expected project completion date should be documented in a map comment
  • Projects of shorter duration may be added as well, IF the editor has access to frequent status updates on the project, and is willing to monitor and adjust as soon as the SL is restored.

Where speed limits change

The Maryland supplement to the MUTCD stipulates that: A Speed Limit sign in a speed zone shall be located at or just beyond the point where the zone begins. If the zone begins at an intersection, the first Speed Limit sign for that zone shall be the Speed Limit sign normally erected beyond the intersection conforming to the standard sequence of signs at intersections.[2]

Maryland is a state where the speed limits are absolute and are enforceable from statute; speed limits need-not be posted to be enforced.

When adding speed limits to WME we should try to be as accurate as reasonable, while still preserving data for turn delays. Therefore if a speed limit changes in middle of a segment we will create a new junction to support the SL change. However if there is already an existing junction, or we can see the need to create a new junction to connect another segment to the road within 200 feet of the speed limit sign, we should mark the SL change using that existing (potential) junction node.

If at the editor's discretion in consultation with local managers, it is determined that a new junction to support a SL change between 200 - 1,000 feet away from a junction would have a negative impact on turn delay calculations, they may instead affect the SL change at an existing (potential) junction up to 1,000 feet away from the SL sign. This may be because the SL change is posted in middle of turning or exit lane where traffic regularly backs up from the following junction to before the position of the SL sign.

Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland

Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland Library

  1. , Transportation Article §21–801.1
  2. , Maryland MUTCD, updated 2011

Speed Dating South In Lexington Park Maryland Weather

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